You Have Questions


Do not hesitate to send us an email if you can't find what you're looking for.

Log in/Create an account, choose a competition, select the quantity of tickets, complete the skill-based multiple choice question, make your payment. (Good Luck!)

We are legally obliged to use skill to determine the winner of our competitions. It is not simply a competition or a raffle. We use a skill-based multiple choice question as it's a widely recognised, simple and quick evaluation of one’s skill.

There is a limit of 100 tickets per customer. (read more in out T+Cs)

Log in/Create an account, choose a competition, select the quantity of tickets, complete the skill-based multiple choice question, make your payment. (Good Luck!)

We are legally obliged to use skill to determine the winner of our competitions. It is not simply a competition or a raffle. We use a skill-based multiple choice question as it's a widely recognised, simple and quick evaluation of one’s skill.

There is a limit of 100 tickets per customer. (read more in out T+Cs)

All winners are announced as part of a live draw on our youtube page. Stay tuned on our social media and website for announcement times and dates of these live draws.

Ticket prices range depending upon the competition.

There will be one winner per competition.

Check the competition details to see how long it runs for.

Yes, you will be emailed a confirmation of your order + competition entries immediately after entering.

Log in/Create an account, choose a competition, select the quantity of tickets, complete the skill-based multiple choice question, make your payment. (Good Luck!)

We are legally obliged to use skill to determine the winner of our competitions. It is not simply a competition or a raffle. We use a skill-based multiple choice question as it's a widely recognised, simple and quick evaluation of one’s skill.

There is a limit of 100 tickets per customer. (read more in out T+Cs)

All winners are announced as part of a live draw on our youtube page. Stay tuned on our social media and website for announcement times and dates of these live draws.

We are legally obliged to use skill to determine the winner of our competitions. It is not simply a competition or a raffle. We use a skill-based multiple choice question as it's a widely recognised, simple and quick evaluation of one’s skill.

Ticket prices range depending upon the competition.

Log in/Create an account, choose a competition, select the quantity of tickets, complete the skill-based multiple choice question, make your payment. (Good Luck!)

We are legally obliged to use skill to determine the winner of our competitions. It is not simply a competition or a raffle. We use a skill-based multiple choice question as it's a widely recognised, simple and quick evaluation of one’s skill.

There is a limit of 100 tickets per customer. (read more in out T+Cs)